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Who We Are

A Bit About Us

We are a team of 3 creatives, 2 graphic designers and a web developer, and between us, we have an experience of over 20 years in online and offline design.


We started way back in 2005. Our experience grew exponentially in time, we were a lot younger back then and we grew along our company and clients developing long-time partnerships and friendships.


Our team developed too, but in a smaller pace because we believe in staying in close relationship with our clients and projects and we believe in the pride of our work and the love for our craft.


Branding, Print Design0

Web, UI0

Architecture, Interior design0

Brand Design + Logo Design + Print

The area where we think about communication

Web + UI

The place where we think about interaction

Architecture + Interior Design

The playground where we think about spaces

Co-Founder, Co-Owner, Graphic Designer + Architect

Claudia Mascas

CO-Owner + Web Developer

Mihai Mascas

Graphic Designer + Architect

Maria Mihaltan